The Shire

Interested in Lake Grace and the Shire Towns, or can't find the information you're after? Important contacts are below, or use the form to send an email direct to a Shire representative. Remember to include your contact details if you want someone to get back to you.

Lake Grace Shire

Shire Administration Office: 1 Bishop Street Lake Grace
Postal: PO Box 50 Lake Grace 6353
Reception: (08) 9890 2500
Fax: (08) 9890 2599

Office Open Hours

Staff can be contacted by phone between 8am - 5pm.

Emergency After Hours Contact

For flooded or blocked roads, urgent safety concerns regarding Council buildings and properties please contact:

  • Chief Executive Officer - 0460 416 959
  • Manager of Infrastructure - 0448 089 092

For all other emergencies please contact the Police, Fire & Ambulance on 000.

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