Disability Access & Inclusion Plan
Council's Disability Access & Inclusion Plan may be viewed by clicking on the following link: Disability Access & Inclusion Plan 2019-2024
This document is also available in alternative formats as required.
For enquiries, please contact the Shire of Lake Grace on 9890 2500 or email: shire@lakegrace.wa.gov.au
Disability Services WA
Disability Services is now part of the new Department of Communities. All services are continuing to be provided and all our contact numbers remain the same. For more information, please visit the Department of Communities website.
People with Disabilities Western Australia
People with disability are equal and valued citizens. Advocating for the rights and empowering the voices of people with disability in Western Australia website.
Developmental Disability WA
Developmental Disability WA was established in 1985 and is a trusted source of independent information, advocacy, education and support for people with intellectual and other developmental disability, their families and the people who support them, DDWA Website.