Shire of Lake Grace - Australian Citizenship
For most people, attending a Citizenship ceremony is the final step in becoming an Australian citizen. This is where an Australian citizenship pledge is declared, six months after hearing about your approval to become an Australian citizen.
Updated Process from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
From 1 October 2022, new citizens will no longer receive pre-filled electoral enrolment forms from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). Enrolment forms will be replaced by the "Enrol to Vote" information sheet. The information sheet contains a QR code which can be used by new citizens to enrol online. Information sheets will be provided to all new citizens aged 18 years and over and residing in Australia at their citizenship ceremony. The Department of Home Affairs will provide printed information sheets with Australian citizenship certificates.
The Shire of Lake Grace will be sending you a formal letter of invitation followed up by a telephone call to attend a Citizenship ceremony at least four (4) weeks before the event. The letter will outline the date, time and place of ceremony; unfortunately, you cannot choose where and when to attend your ceremony as this will be pre-arranged by the Shire.
Attendance to the ceremony
Anyone who have applied for an Australian citizenship will not become an Australian citizen until they have attended and made the pledge. Your attendance to the ceremony within 12 months of your approval to become an Australian citizen is important and the Department of Home Affairs can review and cancel your approval.
You may not be required to attend the Citizenship ceremony if you:
- are a child under 16 years
- are granted Australian citizenship by descent or adoption
- are resuming your Australian citizenship
- have a permanent or enduring physical or mental incapacity
- were born in Papua before 16 September 1975 to an Australian citizen
- were born to a former Australian citizen
- were stateless when born in Australia
A child under 16 included in an adult / parent application will become a citizen at the same time as the adult/parent applicant.
Children under 16 years do not have to attend the ceremony and make the pledge, but they are welcome to do so.
The Shire of Lake Grace will send you another invitation if you miss your ceremony. Please follow the instructions in your invitation letter if you are unable to attend the citizenship ceremony.
On the day of the ceremony
You can invite your family and friends to celebrate this day, and depending on the circumstances and number of people participating, your guests might have to sit apart from you during the ceremony. We request that children who are attending the ceremony should be supervised.
We allow at least half an hour for the Citizenship ceremony. It is encouraged that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the ceremony is scheduled to start to enable for registration and identification. Please bring the invitation letter with you to the ceremony and one (1) form of photo identification:
- an Australian Driver’s License or
- Current valid Passport
Once you are seated, a formal introduction and speeches will be made by the presiding officer, normally the Shire President. At the Citizenship ceremony, you will be asked to make the Australian Pledge and will be handed either Pledge 1 card or Pledge 2 card.
The presiding officer will ask you to read and declare out loud the citizenship pledge that you have chosen on your application. If you wish to make the Australian Citizenship Pledge on a holy book, please bring that holy book with you to the ceremony.
The Shire will ask your permission if we photograph you and the ceremony for promotional purposes. The members of the media may attend too and film the ceremony. Your family and friends can take photographs of you during and after the ceremony. They must not disrupt other participants and their guests.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, light refreshments will be served along with a small gift from the Shire of Lake Grace.
Your Citizenship Certificate
You should receive your citizenship certificate on the day of the ceremony; but, if your certificate is not ready during the ceremony, it will be posted to you. You will still become a citizen when you make the pledge.
Your certificate will contain the name you provided on your application for citizenship form and it is your legal name at the time your application was approved by the Department of Home Affairs.
Your citizenship certificate is an important legal document that can be used when applying for an Australian passport or applying for a job or join the Australian Defence Force.
Please do not deface or alter your citizenship certificate by writing on it or changing any details. Please advise the Department of Home Affairs if you lose your certificate or if it is stolen.
Taking Photographs
If you are under 16, you do not need to bring photo identification.
If you want to make the Australian citizenship pledge on a holy book, bring a book with you to the ceremony.
Dress Code
In accordance with Policy 7.10 Citizenship Ceremonies Dress Code Policy of the Shire of Lake Grace Policy Manual, this policy applies to all conferees and guests attending the Citizenship ceremony to ensure that attendees to this important event reflect the significance of the occasion. Please visit the Policies page of our website to view the Policy Manual.
Special Needs
You must advise the Shire of Lake Grace prior to attending the citizenship ceremony if you have special needs so that your request can be accommodated and necessary arrangements can be made. Please contact 9890-2500 or email