Local government reforms
The proposed reforms have been developed on the basis of findings identified as part of the Local Government Act Review and recommendations of various reports, including the Local Government Review Panel Final Report.
Major changes to the Local Government Act and Regulations will provide for a stronger, more consistent framework for local government across Western Australia. The reform proposals have been designed to deliver significant benefits for residents and ratepayers, small business, industry, elected members and professionals working in the sector.
The proposed reforms are based on six themes:
- Earlier intervention, effective regulation and stronger penalties
- Reducing red tape, increasing consistency and simplicity
- Greater transparency and accountability
- Stronger local democracy and community engagement
- Clear roles and responsibilities
- Improved financial management and reporting.
Local Government Reform – Summary of Proposed Reforms
Anyone may submit comments either directly by email, or by adding comments to the Summary of Proposed Reforms document and emailing the document to actreview@dlgsc.wa.gov.au