Shire of Lake Grace Ordinary Council Meeting

Council meetings are held every 4th Wednesday of every month from 3:30pm at the Council Chambers.

Printed Minutes are available on an annual subscription basis for $150.00 (GST inc and postage). Please contact our Executive Assistant should you wish to subscribe

Council meetings are open to the public and members of the community are encouraged to attend to ask questions relating to Shire activities.

A minimum of fifteen (15) minutes is allowed at the beginning of each meeting for questions from the public.

In accordance with Section 5.25(g) of the Local Government Act 1995, residents of the Shire of Lake Grace are advised of the following Council Meeting arrangements:

Public Question Time Information Sheet  

Below is the Public Question Time Form. This form is interactive, you can type directly into the form. When you hit the submit button it will be
emailed to:

Public Question Time Form

Public Question Time Online Form

For more information, please contact the Executive Assistant on 9890-2500 or

To view all past Council Minutes, Agendas and Information Bulletins  

View all past meetings